Sunday, April 8, 2007

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

No pictures today, Readers: there are none to be had. I am annoyed. After five years of yarn over-avoidance, I thought I may as well learn how to do them, and give one of the Knitty patterns a try. Everyone does Knitty patterns, y'all. And I wanted a break from my sock, the colors of which have become increasingly nauseating as I proceed. I chose this pattern (warning: the person who gave birth to me should not look. However, if I saw a warning like that directed at me, I would totally look. But I read the last page of a book before I read the first one) and some Knit Picks Gloss.

And I have frogged and frogged and frogged. RIBBIT.

I have not made it through one ten-row pattern repeat yet. I have not even made it past row five. I drop stitches. I wind up with the wrong number of stitches. I emote through italics. Everything about the pattern is easy--even the yarn overs, which, it turns out, I was wrong to avoid--but sort of impossible for me to fix without taking out a couple rows.

I've rolled it all back up into the ball for now. This is a sign, probably, that I need to work on the presentation I have to give this week. Or take a nap.

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